Friday, February 02, 2007

What Can a Teacher Do?

I've been trying to figure out my career since I left teaching 5 years ago. I still haven't figured it out.

I have friends that have gotten jobs since teaching that are pretty cool and they make a decent living. I've been doing admin work ever since. It's more peaceful than teaching. When I go home, I am home--no thoughts about work cross my mind. Believe it or not, the pay is not as good as teacher's pay. So, I went to college to become an administrative assistant.

As a teacher, my salary was naturally upgraded based on how many years I taught. That's not the case in the corporate world where I live. Something is wrong here.

What can a teacher do after teaching? My friend (whose mom is a teacher) said he's known lots of teachers, and teaching always stays in your blood in some way or another. It's always with you.