Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Price Paid to Teach

I've been a little discouraged lately as I realize I make less in my current job, than I would as a teacher.

Can there be happy career endings for people who are running away from teaching?

Friday, February 02, 2007

What Can a Teacher Do?

I've been trying to figure out my career since I left teaching 5 years ago. I still haven't figured it out.

I have friends that have gotten jobs since teaching that are pretty cool and they make a decent living. I've been doing admin work ever since. It's more peaceful than teaching. When I go home, I am home--no thoughts about work cross my mind. Believe it or not, the pay is not as good as teacher's pay. So, I went to college to become an administrative assistant.

As a teacher, my salary was naturally upgraded based on how many years I taught. That's not the case in the corporate world where I live. Something is wrong here.

What can a teacher do after teaching? My friend (whose mom is a teacher) said he's known lots of teachers, and teaching always stays in your blood in some way or another. It's always with you.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Best Student Christmas Cards from the Attic

These cards were from Ms. Mize's third grade class and given to me before I left my student teaching assignment. I found them when I cleaned out my teaching stuff from the attic. They made me laugh.

The picture above had an eraser taped on as a present. A pencil was attached to the back on the paper.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Power Point Presentations

One of my co-workers is working on her daughter's sixth grade power point presentation.

Is homework for parents or for children? Hmmmm...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I Wonder...

My friend, Carolina, gave her students an assignment of filling in the statement, "I wonder..." in their journals.

I miss being able to read thoughts of children, but not grading them.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Teaching Vs. Rocket Science>1=8648

I like this article.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Potty Time Questions

I had this thought at my office job. What if you had to get permission from your boss to go to the bathroom? I always felt a little strange as a teacher having control over everyone’s bathroom habits.

How can you really tell if a child has to pee or if they are lying? Is the pee-pee dance sufficient? Or do they have to beg to go to the potty? Is it the crossed legs and the painful expression? Teacher’s training programs should add a segment to the Educational Psychology course that helps give teachers understanding about potty habits.